Our Chiropractic Services in Marylebone, London

What You Need to Know About Your First Appointment

During your first clinic visit, anticipate a one-hour consultation covering assessment and treatment.

We’ll discuss your health, lifestyle, medical history, and reason for visiting. Then, we’ll conduct a thorough physical exam, evaluating spine, posture, and mobility.

This allows us to diagnose and plan treatment tailored to address the root cause of your condition.

Following discussion of findings and proposed treatment, including any necessary lifestyle adjustments, we’ll proceed with chiropractic treatment if appropriate.

Don’t forget to bring any relevant medical reports or images regarding your health history if you have them for your initial appointment.

chiropractic clinic marylebone london uk

Our Chiropractic Services


General Chiropractic Care

Musculoskeletal conditions, such as low back pain, are a global cause of disability.

At Marylebone Chiropractic Clinic, we offer tailored chiropractic treatments for all, from athletes to those with sedentary lifestyles.

Our comprehensive approach addresses the root cause of discomfort, aiming to prevent re-injury.

Through hands-on manipulation, soft tissue therapy, and lifestyle advice, we empower patients to achieve optimal musculoskeletal health.


Pregnancy Chiropractic Care

Pregnancy brings significant physical and emotional changes. Hazel Park specializes in the Webster Technique, offering tailored chiropractic care for expectant mothers. Back pain and pelvic discomfort are common during pregnancy, affecting up to three-quarters of women.

Our gentle approach addresses these challenges at every stage, prioritizing your comfort and safety. Skilled in techniques that relieve pain without pressure on your abdomen, our chiropractors ensure a relaxing experience.


Paediatric Chiropractic Care

Welcoming a newborn brings joy but can also pose challenges. Our clinic specialises in paediatric care, led by experienced chiropractors trained in treating infants.

We collaborate with various health professionals to provide comprehensive care for your child, starting with a detailed history and thorough physical examination.

Our gentle techniques are well-suited for babies, ensuring comfort throughout the process. From alignment to reflexes, we assess your child’s development and nervous system function, ensuring they progress as expected.

Our Chiropractic Techniques


Dry needling / Medical acupuncture

Dry needling or medical acupuncture is a treatment technique that uses very fine, single use needles to help break up painful knots in muscles to help decrease pain and improve mobility and function. Muscle tension is common with conditions such as muscle strain and injuries, tension headaches and lower back pain.  Dry needling is frequently used as part of the package of care we offer to patients. All of our chiropractors have Dry needling / medical acupuncture qualifications. 



Taping techniques involve placing strips of special tape on your body in specific directions to help support your joints, like a knee, ankle, or wrist, as well as muscles and tendons. Research has shown that it may help to reduce pain and muscle spasm, improve circulation and lymph transport and improve function and overall performance. Taping is also part of our chiropractic care. 

woman receiving vacuum leg massage. masseur sets vacuum cup on leg. close up


Cupping is a therapy that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. It is thought that this can increase blood circulation to the area where the cups are placed. This may relieve muscle tension, which can improve promote cellular repair. It may also help form new connective tissues and create new blood vessels in the tissue. Studies in 2015 and 2018 found that cupping may provide some relief for chronic neck or back pain. 

chiropractor instrument soft tissue mobilisation to-her-patient-in-a-chiropractic

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation

Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation is simple non-invasive treatment that is aimed to manipulate and mobilise the soft tissues of the body, such as muscles and tendons. We use handheld fascial tools to stimulate blood flow, help relieve muscle pain and discomfort and improve overall mobility and function. It is often used in conjunction with deep tissue massage techniques, medical acupuncture and cupping therapy. 


Rehabilitative Exercises

In the right dose, physical activity can help to prevent, treat, and manage a range of health conditions that may impact the quality of life and physical function. 

We prescribe safe and effective exercises that encourage your body to recruit or fire the right muscles to keep you moving and achieving your goals while relieving your pain. We want the muscles function better and interact to achieve movement and better mobility. These may include a combination of stretching, strengthening, proprioceptive or ELDOA based exercises depending on your issue and outcome goals.

Pregnancy. Side view cropped image of pregnant woman holding hands on her abdomen chiropractor

Webster Technique

One of the most common concerns during pregnancy is back pain. Indeed, it’s supposed that over half of all
women suffer from is lumbopelvic pain (pain in the lower back and/or back of the pelvis).

These conditions often happen due to problems with how the muscles and joints of the back and the pelvis
are working.

Webster technique aims to optimise lumbopelvic balance and muscle tone and so allowing for greater
comfort for the mother.


Why Choose Marylebone Chiropractic Clinic?

At Marylebone chiropractic clinic, we understand that choosing the right chiropractic clinic is an important decision. Here’s why our clinic stands out:

1. Experienced and Compassionate Chiropractors:
Our team of chiropractors brings years of experience and a deep commitment to patient care. With advanced training and expertise in various chiropractic techniques, they are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and wellness.

2. Personalized Treatment Plans:
We believe in a personalized approach to care. Each patient is unique, and we take the time to understand your specific needs and goals. From comprehensive assessments to tailored treatment plans, we prioritize your well-being every step of the way.

3. State-of-the-Art Facilities:
Your comfort and convenience are important to us. Our clinic features modern, state-of-the-art facilities equipped with the latest chiropractic technology.

4. Positive Patient Outcomes:
Nothing brings us more joy than seeing our patients thrive. We are proud of our track record of delivering positive outcomes and improving the lives of our patients. Whether it’s relieving pain, improving mobility, or enhancing overall wellness, we are here to support you on your journey to better health.

Ready to Experience the Marylebone Chiropractic Clinic Difference?

Book your consultation today and discover why Marylebone chiropractic clinic is the premier choice for chiropractic care in Marylebone, London. Our compassionate team is here to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Price Lists

Marylebone Chiropractic Clinic

(For New Patients Only)

Free posture assessments and spinal check

If you are unsure if chiropractic is for you, we offer free consultations for you to come in and chat with our chiropractors. Here we can assess and give you the opportunity to ask questions regarding chiropractic care.

Chiropractic new patient appointment - £100.00

It is important for your chiropractor to first perform a thorough consultation and examination in order to assess your current state of health and presenting complaint. This will consist of a full history, examination (orthopaedic, neurological and chiropractic tests), report of findings and if required your first treatment with us.

Paediatric chiropractic new patient appointment - £60.00

For babies, infants and children aged 12 & under. This will cover the initial consultation, examination, report of findings and if required, their first treatment.

Chiropractic follow up - £60.00

Additional follow up sessions with the chiropractor include treatment, advice and home advice or rehabilitation exercises.

Ealing Broadway Chiropractic Clinic

(For New Patients Only)

Free posture assessments and spinal check

If you are unsure if chiropractic is for you, we offer free consultations for you to come in and chat with our chiropractors. Here we can assess and give you the opportunity to ask questions regarding chiropractic care.

Chiropractic new patient appointment - £80.00

It is important for your chiropractor to first perform a thorough consultation and examination in order to assess your current state of health and presenting complaint. This will consist of a full history, examination (orthopaedic, neurological and chiropractic tests), report of findings and if required your first treatment with us.

Paediatric chiropractic new patient appointment - £60.00

For babies, infants and children aged 12 & under. This will cover the initial consultation, examination, report of findings and if required, their first treatment.

Chiropractic follow up - £50.00

Additional follow up sessions with the chiropractor include treatment, advice and home advice or rehabilitation exercises.

Insurance Companies Accepted

Our chiropractors are registered providers with most private health insurance companies.
If you want any further help in regards to private health insurance please get in touch with the team.

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chiropractic for businesses - business man and team behind

Chiropractic for Your Business

More than 264 million workdays are lost due to back pain, equivalent to two days per full-time worker nationwide.

We’re pleased to provide presentations for companies or offices on effective strategies for managing and preventing back pain, as well as workshops covering posture improvement, breathing techniques, spine rehabilitation, and stretching exercises.

Contact us for further details.